Andrew Scaffidi is a health practitioner dedicated to helping others overcome their past, embrace their presence,…
Stop Bad Fungus From Running Your Life!
How does this negative energy that flows in this world control the population?
What is created?
Negative form, to bring down the life source within humans.
Negative form?
Microorganisms in toxic foods to take control of the body,
Set aside all beliefs, all knowledge of what you think you know. Then just look around with an open mind. Most people are run by products created by negative energy. A main creation of products are, processed dairy, Processed sugar, Processed bread. This creates an unimaginable balance within the body that creates the lack of self control and understanding you need to grow, adapt and change. When we are children we can handle these processed foods because god has blessed us with amazing damage control organs, but if these organs aren’t taken care of over time. They will fail you just as you failed them.
I asked myself for years, why do I feel sick, why do I feel this way? I eat healthy, but I don’t feel it. In fact, I didn’t eat healthy, that toast you have every morning. That pizza you have once a week is restricting the flow of life in your body right now. Yeast is a part of this world that doesn’t need to be consumed by humans, especially processed yeast. I learned this is one of the most damaging things I can do to my body. Most people walk around with candida levels that are too high, causing inflammation and biofilm to be created in the body; biofilm is caused by colonized candida. Which means they create breeding grounds for these nasty fungus to stabilize. This is caused by too much yeast and toxins. Everything that is alive has a will to survive! Fungus is alive! and has been around longer than humans. They know exactly how to attack human body’s and use them to control nations. They tap into your central nervous system and make you irritated, angry, resentful, to get what it needs, more yeast/processed foods, more candida, more life. This is why unnatural foods taste so good, not because you like it, your fungus and living organism like it, so they tap into that nervous system and say I love this food you need it to survive, this tastes good. Wrong, the fungus needs it to survive, YOU don’t.
In Dr. Jeff McCombs Candida Plan. He explains when bad yeast is out of control we can not kill it. We need to convert bad yeast into good candida that can help the body thrive. Undecenoic acid is a fatty acid derived from caster been oil. Being a fatty acid the yeast/candida can not become resistant to it, unlike other herbs and essential oils… After 8 weeks candida in the gut will need to survive. With the will to survive, the bad candida in the gut will convert back into healthy candida. Then we feed the good microbes with probiotics. This will ensure the life and survival of the probiotic and good candida. Not only do probiotics help get rid of bad candida, it helps get rid of all types of toxins. We can’t get rid of these large amounts of toxins until the unhealthy organisms that take over our probiotics are wiped out. Look at the candida plan as a gut reset. When the healthy organisms take over after the 12-16 weeks you can start introducing more processed foods if you would like.
For you to take back your body, yeast and processed foods/sugars have to be cut out for a period of time. It is possible to cut this out and take back the energy that circulated through you at a young age.. It’s not an easy journey but this is what you have been looking for and waiting for. Stop seeking in the wrong places. And if you do continue to look in other places it’s more than likely that fungus is controlling you so much that it will avoid diet restriction and detox.. It is possible for you to be healthy, stop beating yourself up and feeling helpless because there is no direction. I say this because the fungus within me continued to convince me there was no way out and got me to think of other ways to try and heal. You now have a start to your new journey and life.
To get in touch with Jeff McComb’s Candida Plan click this link. Not only will you get this plan for a reasonable price. If you use this link you will also receive a FREE session with Andrew at Echo Restore.