Andrew Scaffidi
Intuitive Holistic Healer
Overcome Your Past, Embrace Your Presence, Build a Better Future.
Echo Release
This is one of the most common ways to feel more like yourself. The best healers are slow healers. Otherwise, inner chaos can begin without truly processing and releasing the emotions. The process of releasing emotional echoes allows us to dive into lingering past traumas that can be affecting you physically. Just about everyone has them. The best part is, you don’t have to relive the experience to release them and they don’t come back! These stuck energies can even attract more of that negative energy without notice.
Do you ever feel anger or more intense emotion from something that had happened months, or even years ago? This is the stuck echo pattern that can create aches and pains. These aches are a way your body is communicating to you for release.
Heart Echo Release/Alignment
Your heart is one of the most important organ in your body. Not only does it pump massive amounts of energy through your system. Your heart works as a conductor, orchestrating thoughts, feelings, and emotions, wired to the brain. During your first session, Andrew will ensure that your heart flows with balanced energy to the brain, allowing you to feel less anxiety, more openness, and a deeper connection with the loved ones around you. If you struggle with this, Andrew will help rewire this part of your body within a single session, with deep intention and a freedom you may have never felt before.
Find Your Balance
Have you ever felt like your missing a part of yourself? – It could be because you are!
Balance goes deeper than most people realize. Sometimes, vibrations can be too low or too high, causing a part of your energy to become inaccessible. Balancing this energy and closing the rift will allow you to feel more like yourself, and this balance will remain within your body. Andrew will ensure all energy rifts are closed, allowing the energy to enter and stay as a stabilizing force in your system. This can even extend to clearing a house of any attachments that may be disrupting your balance. Yes, this can all be done remotely.
Working with body programing is one of my specialties. Energy in motion stays in motion. This means that there are potential experiences that get stored in that same energy system that is within you traveling through something we call time. This can be some of the deepest work you can get your hands on that will at the core set you on a new path of comfort, security and expansion. Stop running useless patterns from the past by removing the operating system that is pulling these emotions from deeper layers.
Core Beliefs
What you believe is what you see. Beliefs are very important. You can have beliefs that contradict themselves. This causes so much friction and will only leave you with confusion. We can correct these beliefs deep down at your core. You can then decide to see things how they were meant to be. (Example) Belief #1 “Everything happens for the greater good, I’m growing with each and every mistake. “(example) Belief #2 “I can’t make a mistake.” When in your mind you believe you can’t make a mistake you then start to fear it. Ultimately forcing more actions of making mistakes. I’ve found core beliefs are a great helping hand for success.
Below I have some more examples on a more clear idea of what the 2 are achieving for you on a daily basis. – If you would like to learn more, go to my blog section and click MysticMag Q&A

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