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Andrew Scaffidi


Overcome Your Past, Embrace Your Presence, Build a Better Future.


For a good portion of my life, I had known that I created my own reality; but I didn’t realize to what extent.

My organs were failing. My body, only 19 years old, filled with massive amounts of toxins from chemotherapy; as if cancer isn’t toxic enough. The nurses were frantically putting needles into my arm due to an allergic reaction to the treatments – the treatments that they said could and would heal me. As my body was failing and death was right around the corner, I felt something I never had before. It was as if presence itself came to greet me.  Everything became light and clear. Joy and excitement filled my body, despite my current condition. My body began healing from the reaction to the treatments.

The next day, I felt more pain than ever; as if I opened up this new layer that allows me to be in tune with my body to the highest degree. Sensing everything; even other people’s feelings and emotions at the deepest level. This caused massive amounts of chaos within me. I was not only suffering from cancer, but was highly sensitive to everything around me. I then learned that this pain was a ROAD MAP to healing myself. I spent the next 10 years learning ancient holistic techniques until I was fully healed.

By sensing negative vibrations, I am allowed to turn these negative feelings and thoughts into positive ones. I can now use these abilities that once created chaos to help others find their own healing. I have multiple healing certifications; but the most important accomplishment is being free from all medication and illnesses. From once a dying victim, to now a light that shines in the darkness.

I am here now to help you with your road map.

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