Andrew Scaffidi is a health practitioner dedicated to helping others overcome their past, embrace their presence,…

Conscious and the Subconscious
Consciousness means to be present with your thoughts. Instead of reacting, you are aware of your surrounding thoughts and feelings. That’s one of the things that makes humans so special. We can be consciously aware enough to use intention in ways to create, inspire and heal. Over time, people become less consciously aware of everything around them. The past and the future pull you into these thinking habits that can create illness and dis-ease. This can be especially true if you have negative feelings and emotions behind those past/future events. This typically stems from your EGO (Edge God Out). This is not your fault. When you consciously come into contact with overwhelming feelings and emotions from a past traumatic experience, they can get lodged in the subconscious waiting to be processed. However, you don’t have enough time and energy to process the emotion properly. This can be due to lack of sleep, work, social standards, Etc..
The subconscious is an amazing tool that is undervalued due to a lack of knowledge and teachings. Your subconscious has no humor or empathy. I look at it as a computer that watches and stores information. Your subconscious is smart enough to remember everyone’s face in a crowd with hundreds of people without even being consciously aware of it. Like a computer, it keeps records and files in cells of your body; including organs. If this information is harmful and full of negative feelings or preconceived notions, this can create aches and pains. These pains become physical because those traumatic experiences that didn’t have enough time to be processed store somewhere in the body. A lot of grief and sorrow can sit in the thyroid or the lungs. Anger can be lodged in the liver and so on… Your body just wants you to be consciously aware of the pain so that the emotions can be released.
Energy healers are here to help people become aware of those past experiences that need to be processed and released. This is simply pain-free and, once again, undervalued. This is a gift God and this world have given us. Let go of the past and the pre-conceived notions of the future.